I don't have a before picture of the desk. Imagine every inch of it covered with monitor, tower, speakers, paper and junk. Now I have this SPACE to work, to do other things. And of course, that tiny wee sliver of a Macbook can be slipped into the drawer or used on the couch, and suddenly I have a place to put my sewing machine or the loom.
I am loving the wee Macbook so far. Adjusting to it has been easy, especially since I bought a wireless mouse today. I don't like laptop touch pads. The mouse installed perfectly on the first try, the Macbook said howdy to my printer without blinking, the cameras talk to it, everything just works. Just like the ad says.
Pretty! What yarns are those--particularly the red one?
I found the same thing when I switched over to a laptop--a lot more desk space opened up.
The light blue is the "poor man's Manos" sold on eBay, I forget the vendor's name. The pinks are a handpaint I bought at MDS&W two years ago.
What kind of loom do you have?
This one, the 32 inch. http://www.woolery.com/Pages/rigidheddle.html#kromksi It's a learning loom, I am not a weaver but I want to be. I haven't had time or a place to use it since I bought it. Now I have a place, so I just have to find time.
woo woo - That studio gets closer and closer. La! It's so wonderful to have space, isn't it?
By "Poor Man's Manos", do you mean Rio De La Plata Handspun or Malbrigo? Both are compared by their sellers to Manos del Uruguay, but the Rio De La Plata is cheaper than both Manos and Malabrigo.
I don't remember. I bought it over two years ago and there are no tags on it.
What a very zen-like space - light and air and utility. But just that.
I'm green with envy.
There is also an Ott Light. I'm pleased, and even more pleased that the Studio Desk didn't happen, because if I can multi-purpose the desk for now until I find out where I'm going, it's a win all around.
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