Franklin's shawl project go look now. The level of planning, the hundreds of thousands of stitches, the detail of the work involved, for someone who also has a day job and worked on this while commuting - the outpouring of love for his niece just blows me away. He has truly created an heirloom piece and it is breathtakingly lovely and breathtakingly full of love. Abigail is a blessed child to have Franklin for her uncle.
And to think I'm proud when I finish a sock. And I still haven't knitted my granddog a sweater, though now he won't need one for three more years. I am quite comfy here on the knitting short bus, it's air conditioned and everything, but I do worship true genius when I see it.
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Franklin's shawl is awe inspiring all right. But I'll stick with short bus knitting as well. I'm not too proud to garter stitch. I have plenty of design challenges and deadlines without putting them in yarn form.
Amen, sister! If anyone realized how much brain-bending background work it takes to do land development, they wouldn't ask why I pass on "challenging myself with knitting." This was a thread on KR, and I was one of the few voices who said "If a new technique isn't thrilling me, I don't push on to do it." If I want to learn a new technique because I really want to make the thing that uses it, I'll do it. There isn't much I can't do, but there's a lot I WON'T do because it is not fun for me. I do not need knitting design or technique challenges, I all the design challenges a person can stand from 8 to whenever every day.
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