I apologize for the crappy photo, I took it with my phone. I'll have to start carrying a real camera on walkies, because this was amazing - this hawk sat calmly observing me, I stood directly below it and the bird was completely unruffled when I started snapping pictures. The picture is really deceptive - I was standing almost directly below the bird, and could see every detail of every feather.
Hello there... This company is near my home and I recommend it equally for the quality of the candles and the people behind the brand. I walked through the factory/outlet/store a while ago and was really impressed by the the employees and the candles I purchased. This is the only brand I buy now. Frankly, too many candles seem to be 50 parts fragrance and .005 parts quality...
Don't you have a "good" little camera?
Murphy wasn't freaked out?
I do have a good little camera, it was sitting on my desk - I just took the dog out to pee, I wasn't planning to take pictures. I just happened to have the phone on me, I don't always take THAT. Now that I know that a pair of lovely young (I'm basing this on their coloring) hawks has moved into the 'hood, I will have the little camera in my pocket henceforth, because I saw both birds this morning in the same area, and cursed myself - but again it was a dog stroll, not a photojournalism expedition. I really want to get good pictures of them, they are gorgeous, and practically tame - they just looked at me curiously, and weren't at all disturbed when the crazy lady started talking to them and taking their pictures. Murphy didn't care, and they didn't care about Murphy.
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