Why are you taking my picture? Is this a trick? Am I going to have a bath?
It's official: I have a "new" car. New to me - a 2006 Subaru Forester X, with less than 9k miles on it. It's cute and peppy and it can carry just about anything I can lift, and I love it. (Sue, we will be cruisin' to MDS&W in the new baby!) I think it needs a name, but right now I'm calling it Baby and that may stick. I'm a Dirty Dancing fan.
Poor Dudley looks terrified! Baby is quite a cutie too! Congrats!
You need a red bow for luck!
The picture is hilarious, he was truly freaked out that his mommy picked him up and grandma took a picture - what was going on? Was he being put up for adoption or something? This was Different, and Dudley doesn't care for different.
I love Baby, I need to get some cute accessories for her. Boy reports a great bumper sticker sighting in Asheville - you know the obnoxious black circle that just says W - and beneath it The President? He spotted F (and beneath it) The President. He had to call me, and he wants one. Though his favorite is still Bush/Cheney 1984. It assumes literacy on the part of other drivers.
Dudley is hilarious.
I love it! I can see myself all kicked back goin' up I-95 in the Thelma seat. DRIVE, Louise!
That movie didn't have a very happy ending. I'm thinking we need to write a new script.
It will end with two happy women going home after a delightful, relaxing long weekend involving the buying of yarn, hanging out with creative people, and wine-fueled dinners with smart, funny friends, and flirting with the guy doing the sheep shearing demonstrations (unless he's really young, because that would be icky, but the last time I was there he was really sexy in that commanding bald guy way, like the boss on The Closer). But the drive will be big fun too! We must discuss music and snacks. It's a long way from Charleston to MD.
I am in love! I heart that car. That is the car of my dreams. I have been drooling over them for ever. They are never on the lots around here either. Ever. I am believeing they drive forever, or else there is some market where Suburu Foresters are so hip and cool it's worth it to ship them cross country.
Yea for you! - I want a ride in May.
You must remember that South of the Border is tight on our way haha! Chili today Hot Tamale!
Oh God, I LOVE SOB! I haven't been there in years, but I used to try to time my bathroom and gas stops to stop there, because they have the nicest bathrooms (other than the state rest areas, if I remember right, SC's are quite fancy.) Can you tell I've driven 95 MANY times?
Bess, Subarus aren't hip and cool here, I can think of only two people I know who have or had one. That's one reason this one was a bargain, the salesman pointed out that if it had been a Honda it would have been in the mid 20s. They do not turn up at Carmax often.
Turn around seenyor you meesed it!
Great car--LOVE the color. Congratulations to you!
Poor Dudley--he looks like somebody stole his last chewtoy . . . .
Just be careful where you park your new car. Because, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner."
Amy, I had the same thought! Baby will not be parked in a corner.
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