Friday, February 2, 2007

Wild Weather.

I'm fine. The devastation you are seeing on the news happened between 15 and 30 miles from me (hard to be more precise because the damage is so widespread).

I woke up at 4 this morning. I'd fallen asleep with the TV on, and the BRAAAP BRAAAP BRAAAP of the Emergency Broadcasting System jolted me awake - tornado warning for Volusia County. I'm not in Volusia, but it got my attention, so I got up and made coffee (I had electricity and we treasure that during storms - I was going to have coffee). The wind picked up, the rain got heavier, and I decided to shower and get ready for work very early, just in case, because I do love my blow dryer. But I didn't lose power. We had torrential, tropical storm-type rain and some strong wind, a few booms of thunder, but no damage at all. Local weatherpeople said the storms moved through at 65 mph. That's not the wind speed that caused the damage, they are thinking that was tornadoes of F3 or worse intensity. The whole mess was moving at 65 mph. Those people could not have prepared for this, and those who were able to get to a sheltered room mostly survived it. There but for the grace of the random path of a storm....


Sue said...

I was thinking about you. Glad you're ok. it's amazing how you head straight for hot stuff when you think the power might go. Take care.

Unknown said...

I've been thinking about you all day, so I'm glad you posted. When I think I might lose power I fill up all the gallon jugs I can find, because the well pump is electric...

Catherine said...

Honestly, my first thought was to turn on the coffee and shower and dry my hair before the power goes out. A week without 'lectricity after - was it Frances? I think it was - really showed me how I love my lectricity.

Marfa's Mewsings said...

Miz C,
As Sue & Jane wrote, I am glad you all are OK & glad to have a post from you. I was also thinking about you & thinking of the relatives of a close friend (they're OK too - part of the damaged area was 4 miles from her Dad's home & her stepfather, who moved last fall, would have been right in the middle of the worst of it).
Electricity is a treasure, I agree. And coffee is a BIG part of my A.M. too. Having lived below the Ohio snow belt for a while, I have a bit of a blizzard mentality & generally have extras of the important stuff: cat food for Natalie & Jeremy, coffee, bread, p-nut butter, snacks, water & wine ^..^ Of course, you already know I have knitting projects & lotsa books to read.

dragon knitter said...

glad to hear you're ok. storms that move like that are frightening, even when you're used to them. and my husband is with you. coffee first!