Friday, March 30, 2007

Shit. I don't believe this!

I brought in the mail, and I have a summons to jury duty for May 7 (otherwise known as the day I will be driving back from MDS&W). I promptly went to the county clerk's website and requested a postponement - a planned vacation is a valid reason to request a postponement. If I don't get it, I'm going to call and cry, and offer to let them see my brain surgery scar. Seriously, Your Honor, I deserve this vacation! I am fine with doing jury duty, I would not try to get out of it otherwise (and this is, like, the 3rd or 4th time I've received a jury summons in recent years). But not this particular date, please!


Cursing Mama said...

I'd take a picture of the scar and include it in the email.... maybe throw some scary dr. report in too. No explanation, just let them think you're traveling for health ;)

dragon knitter said...

boy, when it rains, it pours!

Mia said...

Take the photo now and send the email along with a note from the surgeon and go for it.

Catherine said...

I have asked for a postponement based on having prior plans that take me out of state, and said I'm willing to serve at a later date. The worst part of this is that I have received 2 or 3 county and one fed summons and have never sat on a jury. I think the odds of my getting on a jury are slim - my liberal opinions aside, there's a fair chance that I'll be familiar with one of the lawyers or law firms involved, or have some other six degrees connection, because I've been in the legal field here for over 20 years, and after a while it's like living in Mayberry - you know Floyd's cousin and Aunt Bea's best friend.

Unfortunately, by May 7 I will be on the verge of returning to work and the brain thing won't be a valid excuse.

Bess said...

Visualizing a reply for you that says you are relased from dooty. And duty.


Sue said...

Oh HELL no!