Every night when I brush my teeth, Dudley takes that as the cue to go to bed. And to try to take my spot in it. He is never allowed to stay there, but he keeps trying.

Now, THIS is how a dog recuperates!

Murphy would like you to remember he still lives here, so he allowed this picture even though he still really hates the flash.
Please tell Murphy we would NEVER forget his bossiness, but we love seeing pictures of his cuteness!
Hi Murphy! I know about that flashy thing. I hate it too. Mom typed this but it's me, Jazzie...
Woof! to the new guy, too! Never co-operate too much. They would have you chasing cutezy things all day. I say, "Fetch it yourself!"
Hello Catherine, This is Lella. Good for you in the walking department. Hope your allergies soon go bye bye.
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