I've passed the 100 mile mark; on to...150 by July 4? 300 by Labor Day? Yeah, that sounds about right. Though my knees aren't that thrilled lately; I need to watch it. But adding weights has been very good, I can see the results. The evil, traitorous scale has not budged much, but my body is looking better, and I have faith that the pounds will drop if I continue this routine.

I bought paint today, it's a very clear strong blue, Girlchild doesn't care for it, but fortunately it's not her room. It will be a bit Dramatic, which is not something I usually approve of when putting a house up for sale, but in this case, the room is large and acres of cream walls was just too bland, and all of the lighter shades of blue made me think "nursery." So this rich periwinkle blue (more rich than it looks here in the flash) is the winner, and I love it, and Girlchild can keep her opinions to herself. I think it will be striking and sophisticated in an otherwise bland looking room, and the carpet remains neutral so the next owner can get rid of it for a hundred bucks and a weekend.
Prepping to paint is the worst part. After swatching the color on the wall to see if I'd made a mistake (Girl thinks it's too much, I like it) I started the taping off and taking down the things that are going away. I took down the nasty old towel racks in the vanity area, they were corroded and gross, and discovered that my jewelry pliers were the perfect tool to pull out the screw anchors. Then discovered I'm out of spackle. So I went to the gym. That was enough for the day. Tomorrow I'll get spackle and fill all the holes. Painting will commence during the evenings when I have the energy, with a serious attack next weekend. I bought lots of roller covers and paint tray liners, because I don't care what anyone says, they are not washable, they are never the same after washing. So every day will bring a fresh roller cover, because that's...ahem...how I roll.

He knows he's not supposed to have that nasty chewie on the loveseat.
Knitting content:
I am still working on the Argosy Wrap.

And I finished this pair of socks for my son. Yes, they really are the same size, honest.
The blue will look fab with the linen trim. It's hard to tell from the photo, but the blue I think of when someone says "periwinkle" is a blue similar to what you show, with a tinge of purple.
I've also seen rooms done in Wedgewood Blue and cream. Gorgeous.
It is a Wedgewood-ish blue but has a hint of a purplish undertone - when I put all of the blues together under the light it was easy to see the differences, and this works just right with the "linen" cream color trim. The friendly young man at the HD paint counter asked what I was doing with the two colors and when I told him my plan, he lit up and said, "You're awesome!" So I have Paint Guy approval, at least, and he is definitely passionate about his paint, and takes a long time with each color doing consultations, like a decorator.
Wow, the paint guy sounds great. Most don't care--they're used to customers like the Yarn Harlot who just want a colour to slap on the walls.
The room will be lovely--especially with the touches of pale green.
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