You know that saying about how it takes 30 days to change/make a habit? Not if you're really lazy and stubborn, like me. It has taken almost 3 months to really make exercise and vitamins and at least 7 hours of sleep a habit. But it's hard to get to the gym more than 4 times a week. Hell, it's impossible. Take tonight's
Today I bought a small bag of Sugar-Free York Peppermint Patties. I ate three as my dessert after my Lean Cuisine at my desk lunch. Two hours later, there was a disturbing rumbling, if you know what I mean. I don't have the bag with me to identify the offending ingredient, but there was no going to the gym this evening, lest I find myself on the treadmill next to an attractive man or any innocent victim, and the bouncing on the treadmill caused an outburst of something Unladylike, Unsilent, and Quite Probably Deadly. This must Pass before I dare the gym.
And speaking of things that erupt - it's officially too hot to go shopping at noon and leave the stuff in the car. Poor Baby got baptized in Diet Coke, and so did my best (cream colored, not cheap) slacks. I left the 12 packs in the back after lunch, drove home after work, opened the back, lifted one out, and it dumped hot Diet Coke all over me and all over Baby's interior. Her creamy tan interior. Yeah. And I had just been thinking that I needed to buy one of those protective floor guards for her. Now I have to get her detailed before I put it in. Crap. Thankfully it's diet soda - the sugar is what causes staining, no sugar, the color will come right out. I did shout profanities, and then look around guiltily to see if the neighbor kids were out riding their bikes. This neighborhood is just crawling with kids now. Time for me to leave.
On a more positive public service shopping announcement: That L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil? Very nice. Very non-greasy, light, in our lousy hard water it only gets a modest lather, but it makes my skin soft and not even slightly greasy.
And promotions are in the wind (sorry) around this house: Girlchild received word yesterday that she has been selected as an alternate supervisor at the school, and she must report for training in a few days. Another notch for the resume.
Okay, so it started out as a knitting post, sort of....
The sweeteners used in candy, sugar alcohols, are the cuplrit. I can only eat one small piece or I get the same side effect you did.
There's a very discreet warning on the package, but I have had them before without such a reaction.
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