Yesterday afternoon we went to Mt. Mitchell. The observation tower is closed for remodeling, so we had to settle for photos from the parking area. Not that it mattered, because the view looked like this:
It was, as predicted, a partly cloudy day, but most of the clouds were hanging around the mountains. It was a lovely and relaxing drive nonetheless, and I'll never outgrow the silly little thrill I get from driving into clouds as they hang low over the road, then back into sunshine, then around the bend of the mountain and whoops, into another cloud. It was funny and a little frustrating from a photographic angle, because for much of the drive we could see sunshine and beautiful views along stretches of the road where no stopping was allowed, and whenever we stopped for photos, the wind blew clouds directly over us. But even on a Partly Cloudy day, it is insanely lovely.
Later in the afternoon the clouds dissipated a bit, and the sun peeked out.
In the evening we dined and drank great margaritas sitting on the porch of a little place in West Asheville, then Boy and his gf dropped me back at the house to go out a little while longer - Mom was tired and can't hang with the young'uns all night.
You aren't going to believe this, but I didn't bring enough knitting on this trip. The only project I brought was boy's sock. I also brought the fall IK, figuring I'd find the right yarn for the Minimalist Cardigan and cast on while I'm here. Despite my best efforts to spend a fortune at Yarn Paradise, I didn't find anything that was the right gauge, or in a color that called to me. So I am dutifully toiling away on the sock and nothing else this week.
I am considering driving home a day early. The odds of rain and thunderstorms are higher over the next two days. I'll think about it later today. Today's itinerary is The Search for Waterfalls.
Leave a day early, and stop for a day somewhere in between? Generally take the long way home?
I'm a big fan of having a day to regroup before you go back to reality, but something in me is saying don't! and I don't know why. Probably because I need a vacation.
This view is so amazing. I hope you are feeling revitalized and refreshed. Whenever you come back, you'll probably be having withdrawals from this lovely place.
Beautiful, Beautiful! Thank you Catherine... :o) Such a treat. uh oh.. you didn't bring enough knitting? And the weather was perfect for it, too. :o(
Well, now you know.. bring more next time!
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