He has come to expect - no, DEMAND - his walks. He's so glad the weather is cooler. Yesterday we took a long walk, and he was just so perky and energized, trotting along in the sunshine, I promised him that the next place we live will have more brisk, chilly walking weather, because it is good for both of us.
I had the most amazingly positive conversation with my mother yesterday, and once again it came out of telling her exactly how things are for me, and how my life is on a month to month basis and I can't look down the road and have any confidence that I will still have a job, I have to get the house on the market because it could take forever to sell, and so forth. And she listened. And once again Cousin C is helping enormously - she's going to MD next month and will be up there for six weeks, and plans to check out a couple of retirement apartment places. And I said, "Maybe she should put your name on the waiting list too," and my mother agreed.
My mother did say, with a laugh, "Because I know you don't want me living with you," and I just said, "Yeah, I don't think that would work out. You can't be stuck sitting around all day waiting for me to get home from work, and you don't want to be driving on busy, unfamiliar roads to get to the bank, etc., so you need to be someplace with services and transportation and such." And she laughed and AGREED. Honestly, I am floored - and I think I owe Cousin C once again for this miraculous change in attitude, because if C is planning to live in a community like that in a few years, my mother is losing her resistance to the idea for herself. This is HUGE, and so important, because my mother is having some pain in her legs and we may be getting closer to the point where she should give up driving, housework, and the like. I do have to laugh at her, because she's complaining bitterly about her physical limitations - it sucks to be almost 82 and unable to climb a ladder like she used to as a mere child of 75.
This is huge, but it doesn't overcome all of the other issues I'm dealing with, like an insecure employment situation and the "challenge" of selling a house in a market that is in the toilet, and all the rest. But it is one big step in the right direction.
And I laid it on the line for my mother - that I have no future here and I am sick of this place and I want out, and she's in a much easier position to move than I am (her house is paid off, she can keep it as a rental property or list it and move and it'll sell when it sells). I do not have that option, I have to sell this place before I can move on, I cannot afford to support it and support myself somewhere else for however long it takes to sell. That is simply not an option, I am stuck here until a buyer comes along (Calling St. Joseph!) I told her I had no intention of leaving her behind in FL, but when the time comes that I have to move, I am prepared to stuff her ass in a crate and move her like a yowling cat if necessary, that is how it will be if she resists, and that struck her as funny and she hooted with laughter.
So, it's time to pick up the pace on this relocation and once again it has been Cousin C to the rescue, helping my mother adjust her attitude and get real.
Almost no knitting has been done this week. I am very close to finishing the Argosy Scarf, and should just sit down and do it later. And I'm itching to start something else. I think I found the right felted bag for the Manos - scroll down a bit: Mezza Luna. And Clara pointed me to the perfect handles. Because that is what stopped me from making this bag until now - I wasn't that crazy about the felted handles - but wouldn't it be too cool with nice leather handles? I'll have to think about how to attach it to the rings, I know that cutting the felt will weaken it. But I guess if I cut it on the back edge of the loop and sew it firmly, it'll work.
Just thinking out loud here.
Today's missions include grilling chicken, a trip to drop off stuff at Goodwill, and a big load of trash at the curb. Time to get my move on.
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Oh I just had the best image cross my mind - the whole family, you, cousin C, your mom, all trooping off in a conestoga wagon to Baltimore - where 2 pioneer cousins already live. It was just such a Good Idea.
humming buyer chants and new job chants.
Oh la
I will drive up to Balitomre and visit you - Promise!!
hugs hugs hugs
If you get the handles with the little ring that screws apart, you can insert them before felting and then they will not have to be cut in.
After having my home on the market for over a year and a half, I have finally recieved and offer. I think what really made it happen is I priced it aggressively low, because I got sick of waiting. And got an offer in 4 days. I still will make decent gains on it, but not enought to buy a new house in my new town.
So, good luck with all the frustration of sellign a house. I wish that it goes smotthly and quickly for you.
Have Cousin C check out Charlestown in Catonsville. I'd like to live there myself- its a former convent property and everyone I know who lives there loves it.
Yep, I think that's the place she's signing up for, it's in Catonsville. She knows someone whose mother is there, and she loves it.
Bess, the 2 pioneer cousins (actually three, plus spouses) have been there all along - we are the ones who moved to FL and grew disillusioned. The exit won't be easy, but yes, I think there will be a wagon of "pioneers" heading back where we came from 20++ years ago. Florida was a nice place to visit, and all that. Been there, did that, have the poverty and sun damaged complexion. For C and my mother it's a fairly smooth transition. I'm the odd one because I'm the one who has to have a job or I don't eat. Or really don't have health insurance, because they would feed me until I get on my feet. It is not going to be easy to make this transition, but damn, I'm in a rut and I need an adventure.
Ginnie - I'm going in aggressively low, or actually realistically low. I won't walk away with a big fat downpayment on something in MD, but considering all I've been through in the last few years, I'm glad to make break even and a small nest egg. I'll get an apartment. I don't need a house, I don't even really need a condo, though the fees are far more reasonable there than here. I just don't know where I will land long term so I want to be mobile.
Everything seems to be working together to make this happen. Even your mother has a good attitude about it. Great! I hope the planets continue to be in alignment to make this happen quickly for you.
If you want to look further out, you might want to check out Homewood in Frederick. It has assisted living, a full nursing home, and some cottages. The location is right off US 15 which makes it easy to get to from both DC and Baltimore.
I think there might be a place in Carroll County too. But I am not remembering anything off the top of my head.
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