Today was awful - the penultimate reduction in force, those who remain will either come out the other end of this to rebuild or we'll be the ones turning out the lights. The group is now small enough that we could hold a party in my house (and my house is small). I was not part of the layoff. I have decidedly mixed emotions about this - I am beyond ready to be done with this, it's so draining, but what the hell, this is an adventure. A shitty one, but I'm used to shitty adventures, right? I am there until this ride comes to a complete stop, or until I am asked to disembark. Or my house sells and a new plan opens before me. Or I win the lottery. Or any combination of the foregoing.
After the terrible, horrible, very bad day, a bunch of us went out to get drunk and laugh, people who were part of the cut and those who survived it, and the president of the company who had to make these decisions, and he was not at all presidential and was loud and bawdy and sloshed. He needs to know that we still love and respect him, because his job fucking sucks too.
We planned our futures - turning tricks, opening a pole dancing academy, chasing tourists up the beach offering to braid their hair, and of course, your standard bartending on the beach. It got tasteless and loud. It was healing.
Girlchild is moving out this weekend. Dudley is staying with me for the time being, until they are unpacked and settled, because she rightly concluded that a strange house full of empty would be too disorienting for him. After there is furniture and all is settled, in a week or so, she will take him to his new house and be able to spend time with him, so it feels like home.
Then I will kick getting the house ready to sell into overdrive. Because the stress I live with all day plus my crazy mother plus just living isn't enough, I need to kick it up a notch and move, too.
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o chica, I am so sorry you're getting hit with all this fallout. May the place survive only because you don't need one more damn thing on your plate.
Even if you are not sure about the pleasures of being the last woman on the ship, even if it's as it sinks - I believe it's better to not get laid off at Christmas time. When I see Santa, though, I'll be sure to ask him to send you a NewJobThat'sFunAndInetersting(with benefits).
many hugs dear heart.
Oh I am so sorry this is happening. I have been left standing after a shocking RIF twice (oil & gas industry, another boom & buster) and the relief of being left standing only slightly outweighs the residual tension of waiting for the other shoe. Interesting times continue...
The phrase "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic" comes to mind. I've been one of the last rats on a sinking ship before. Hope things take an upward turn for you soon.
Catherine, so sorry about the problems you're having at work. It sounds like you're destiny is becoming more clear, if not more easy. Yes, putting the house for sale and a nice St. Joseph statue planted for good luck seem to be the next inevitable step. Hope this rocky path leads you to a relaxing oasis really soon.
Oh, lands, sounds like you've been having quite the week. At least you will still have Dudley for a little while longer. Can we please have a few new pictures? I'll miss seeing his precious little face. :<(
Chin up, my girl--this too shall pass. You will get through this. But you already know this.
Good luck.
Boy I hope you get out of there and someplace cooler and saner to work in, and a wonderful little house, just big enough and surely not too small. You do need some stash room there, Grady.
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