I fell in love with these colors, walked around the shop with the two skeins in hand, and went back and got the rest. Because this is a color I'd wear, I'd felt with, I'll do anything with, and probably very soon, because I'm craving color. I know it looks similar to the colors I used for the Argosy Wrap, and it's sorta similar, but this has more purple and green in it, though you can't tell in this picture, and the blue is darker, though, again, you can't tell in this picture.

And this is the combination I used for the basket. The pattern calls for Bulky Lamb's Pride, and I don't like felting with LP because it's too hairy for my taste, so I used the pattern in the book but with Kureyon combined with Cascade 220, on an 8mm needle.

And it made this:

DVD cases made the perfect blocking tool. However, I think the ones in the book have been majorly manipulated to get that crisp boxy corner, because fresh from the Kenmore ride these corners were no more defined than my slipped-stitch corners.

End result: eh. I am not that impressed, and I like my way better. Because I think that when it comes to felting, seamless is always better, and by picking up stitches all the way around, my basket has a smoother finish. Verdict: I'll make another one with these colors, but my way. And with the rest, I'm thinking a felted hat.
Big changes around the House of the Bossy Dogs, both the human inhabitants of the house have made screeching changes of direction and are heading off on different paths, or at least I think we are. The plans have to "gel" before I make them public.
Gorgeous colors. Things in books are always perfect!
Toying with us again, eh?
I love the not-the-argosy colors.
Oh good grief, my word is kitys. They obviously don't know what site I'm on.
Wicked girl. Such a tease. But I can wait till you're ready.
pretty basket - I love felting. Wonder why I don't do it more?
I'm not trying to be a tease, though I know that this is teasing, but I'm afraid of jinxing what I think are the right plans for both me and the Girlchild.
Great yarn! How's the headset?
You know, I got off the phone after a long chat with Cousin C (topic: What the F Is Wrong with Your Mother? And Don't Let It Control YOUR Life!) and I never even tested the headset! I should have, but didn't get a word in when C's on a roll. I'll test it tomorrow, I'll call The Boy. He's more understanding about the testing of a Bluetooth headset. C doesn't know Bluetooth from Blue Bayou, and keeps reminding me that she loves Verizon and her plug in earpiece works just fine, because I went AT&T and with a fancy wireless headset. Too much technology for her. Her sons and I are still trying to wrestle her off dial-up, what can I say?
I tested the headset with Boy this evening, it is most fine, and most easy to operate. (Plantronics Explorer 300 Series, for those who may care) It did not hang up. Sound quality was quite good and it's very comfortable - it fits my head, I can bend and lean and do whatever and it stays put, unlike the Motorola chandelier earring that flapped around the side of my head.
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