For you young'uns and Regular Readers, this is the Coach City Bag. Back when I got my wee profit-sharing check (because profits are wee these days) I wanted to splurge on a good bag, and bemoaned the deterioration of Coach, which I remember fondly from decades past as my favorite bag ever. So I did not buy a new purse.
And the story of how I got this bag is definitely an "It was meant to be." Cousin C signed up for a club bus trip to the factory outlet malls in Orlando a while back, and wasn't sure she really wanted to go, because she's done with her Christmas shopping(bitch). So she went "just for the hell of it." Anyway, she wandered into the Coach Outlet Store. Like me, she's not a fan of the New Coach, and the tacky-blingy fabrics and such. But on a table near the back of the store was a collection of classic bags - and the price of this bag was $99.99, with an additional THIRTY PERCENT off on top, which took it down to seventy bucks for a bag that goes for close to $200 retail, when you can still find them. She has one in tan as her everyday bag and loves it, so she bought it in black, and called to tell me about her score and told me that I Must Go, Go Quickly, Before They Are Gone. She was there on Thursday, and if I hurry I could still snag one.
I ran my ass off on other errands yesterday, including the vet and such, and didn't have it in me to brave an outlet mall in the Tourist Zone. Today I had to hit Petsmart for Science Diet for cats with intestinal issues, and that is in the general direction of I-4. I followed my impulse and went down to what is now called the Prime Outlets. I remember it when it was Belz Factory Outlet Mall, a tacky flea market kinda place.
Oh, it is so cool now, they knocked down all the old buildings and have opened a very pretty and not at all stressful open-air place. They have an Ann Taylor outlet to DIE for, and I am so going back after I hit my goal weight, to restock my entire closet. It's still under construction so getting to the stores is a bit challenging, a few detours and such, but I made my way through it and found the store, and the bags were still there, so I bought one too, and there were only three left in black. I almost went nuts and bought a second bag just like it in red, but decided to pop for a pretty salmon pink leather wallet. The method to my madness is simple - my old wallet worked in my giant leather bag that is starting to hurt my shoulder lately but it is too bulky for this bag, and a pink wallet will show up nicely in a black bag, even in low light. A bag AND a wallet for less than I was prepared to spend on the bag. I am so pleased.
I did not knit a stitch this weekend. I did clean, shop, sleep, walk, and lose 2 pounds. Not a bad weekend.
Weee Haa!
Those old Coach bags were sooooo beautiful. wonder what they're thinking with the cheap fabric crap? congratulations on two fronts.
SCORE! I'm tempted to drive down there myself!
And, As Seen on TV! I just got the purse bright - super little flashlights for your purse that clip onto a pocket. Very nice.
Whoa nellie what a snag! Grats to you on the Coach City Bag, an actual LITTLE black bag.
I'm finally beginning to like stuff like this - - before it would have seemed to "girly" for me. I'm from the "if you jacket has enough pockets why would you need a purse?" school of thought. But now I'm looking at boots and purses and thinking "That isn't too bad."
Congrats on the score!
Kimmen - they had a dozen or more in red, maybe 5 in brown, and I snagged one of the last 3 in black. If you want red it's worth the drive, otherwise, not so much. However, the Ann Taylor outlet right across from it is incredible - I'll be going back there soon.
Wryly - I am all about the bags and shoes. I used to be worse when I lived in a place with more than two seasons, I don't own boots now. But I want some.
Nice Bag.
I have to share that when we were in Orlando this summer, on a gray, rainy day we decided to hit those outlets and Holy Hell - we knew it was a bad move, but we were committed to turning into the parking lot and it then took us - I kid you not - 40 minutes just to get out of the damn parking lot! THe place was jammed with tourists, the lot was under construction. We never got out of the car - just tried to get the hell out of there!
I was in the Coach store near my house last week. I noticed that they're getting some really nice leather bags back in. I totally heart one of the Bleecker leather ones in green. I have a couple leather ones from way back and a cream microfiber and black leather "spectator" bag that I love.
I almost quit Coach bags when I started to see mallrats carrying the brown logo one everywhere. But I need to figure out how to get my SO to buy me one of the new ones!
Great bag! Congrats. That one is really classy.
Kate - it was bad, but at least not crowded when I was there, but it is a MESS - it'll be nice when it's finished. Amy - my attitude about the new "logo" Coach bags was "Great, now it looks like every other trendy overpriced bag, not to mention all the target knockoffs." I'm so glad they still have the classic bags available, even if you have to hunt for them.
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